CIVICA | Wykład Francesco Billari „Current socio-economic causes of demographic transition and the associated future challenge”

Data wydarzenia:
4.09.2023, 13:30 - 15:00
CIVICA i SGH zapraszają na wykład pt. „Current socio-economic causes of demographic transition and the associated future challenge”. Wykład wygłosi rektor Uniwersytetu Bocconiego Francesco Billari. Wydarzenie odbędzie się w ramach Doktorskiej Szkoły Letniej SGH i będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.

This lecture aims to provide a broader, social and economic background to demographic changes and related future challenges. The above-mentioned changes will lead to a significant shift in demographic structures in the near future, which in turn will affect local and global economies and social relations. This requires a shift in the overall paradigm of how social and political institutions should adapt to the coming changes. This includes the role of education, local government and political and social leaders. The lecture will provide a more general framework for the detailed issues that will be covered in class.


Francesco Billari

Francesco Billari is Professor of Demography and Rector of the Bocconi University since November 2022, after his service as Dean of the Faculty. He worked at the University of Oxford (Department of Sociology, where he also served as Head of Department) and Nuffield College (where he was a Professorial Fellow), and at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Head of the Independent Research Group on the Demography of Early Adulthood).

He served as President and Secretary-General/Treasurer of the European Association for Population Studies, and received the «Clogg Award» from the Population Association of America in 2012. He is a Fellow of the British Academy, and an affilate of the Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania.

His main interests are fertility and family change, the transition to adulthood, life course analysis, population forecasting, digitalization and demography, and comparative surveys. He has published in scientific journals in demography, economics, epidemiology and public health, geography, sociology, and statistics. He has worked in a number of international projects, and currently for the PI of an European Research Council Advanced Grant.


Should you have questions, please, contact the organizers at Anita Abramowska-Kmon, PhD (

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