CIVICA RESEARCH: Opieka społeczna, demokracja i populizm w czasie kryzysu Covid-19

Data wydarzenia:
25.11.2022, 16:00 - 18:00
Pandemia Covid-19 postawiła wiele wyzwań przed krajami i rządami na całym świecie.

Konferencja odbywa się hybrydowo w języku angielskim. Poniżej opis i link do programu i rejestracji (w języku angielskim).

This public event is devoted to discusses how populist governments of the global North and South responded to the pandemic in the particular context of the demise of democratic institutions.

Our research within the CIVICA research network analyses the relationship between populism, welfare and health policies, and democratic backsliding in a diverse set of countries including Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, Hungary and Poland. The research applies an interdisciplinary approach across Social Policy, Political Economy, and Comparative Politics in order to examine the content of policy changes as well as vital aspects of populist policy-making, such as procedures and discourse.

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CIVICA & European University Institute (EUI)
