Postgraduate Studies in International Finance

Postgraduate Studies in International Finance

Postgraduate Studies in International Finance is addressed to professionals who may or may not work in financial positions, but for whom Finance is essential for their career and who seek a unique, intensive, ambitious and entirely practical programme.

English speakers that require guidance through the registration process, contact us at

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Unique programme – that gives the opportunity to obtain practical financial skills, regardless of the background

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Practical skills – of working with financial issues and applying new skills in decision-making activities 

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Additional benefits – the enhancement of English language skills in a business context and environment

Why study?

  • This programme is for ambitious professionals at all levels with or without previous academic education in finance, but who require professional and practical skills in finance.
  • A great number of professionals in both the private and public sectors who possess excellent technical skills in various areas find that a lack of financial expertise is preventing them from developing their business career and personal advancement.
  • As finance no longer conforms to the tradition of mechanically computing historic figures in company books, nowadays it demands that managers are proactive and can make crucial long-term decisions for their company, which this programme develops.

Are they for me?

Postgraduate Studies in International Finance is recommended to ambitious professionals at all levels with or without previous academic education in finance, but who require professional and practical skills in finance and work in: 

  • Accounting,
  • Marketing,
  • HR,
  • Sales, 
  • IT, 
  • Banking, 
  • Administration, etc.


As a manager of a modern organisation, the most difficult part of the business role is making decisions. Different people around you expect that you make quick targeted and fair decisions, whether these are functional decisions or strategic decisions. To make these, you need information and you need to know how to analyse it, how to project it to the future, how to compare it to other information and then take bold action. In our program we do exactly that. In fact, we take a tour along the most important parts of the management process, for example planning, organising, monitoring and controlling.

Marinos Athanassiou, Programme Director, EY Academy of Business, tutor


  • Financial Reporting and Analysis under IFRS with comparison to US GAAP
  • Financial Strategies, Valuations, Risk Management and Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Controlling

Head of studies

prof. dr hab. Ewa Latoszek

Full Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Fields of interest: International Organizations, Development Economics, International Economics, European integration, the EU policies, SME sector. Involved in numerous national and international research. As an expert participated in Polish accession to EU.

She has also been involved as the Coordinator/ Key Staff Member in many national and international research and educational projects In 2011/12 a Project Coordinator of the EUintegRATIO (the 7th Framework Program). In 2013 granted the JM Chair Holder and in 2016 granted the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Warsaw School of Economics (CEWSE). 

Visiting Professor in many Universities incl. European University Institute(Florence), London School of Economics, Oradea University (Romania), Canterbury University (New Zealand), NUS (Singapore). In 2014–18 the Member of 2 EC Advisory Groups of Experts under Horizon 2020.  

Strongly contributed to establishing the cooperation of SGH with Ernst & Young Co in the field of education in Poland as the Director of  joint Post-diploma studies. Main functions: President of PECSA – Polish European Community Studies Association, Member of a Steering Committee of the Research Alliance for Development, the World Bank (RAD), Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, Deputy Dean at Warsaw School of Economics,  Coordinator of European Studies- Warsaw School of Economics, Member of ECSA Board. Teaching activities: International Economics, European Integration, The Common Market of EU, Finances of EU. Author & co-author( incl. editing of over 20 books)  of over 200 publications  related to European Integration & International Organizations.


Resources from two well-established and highly respectable institutions, Warsaw School of Economics and EY Academy of Business, have been brought together in order to create a market-driven training programme that provides skills of quality and uniqueness hitherto unavailable. Students will receive expert, internationally acclaimed tuition from some of the best academics in the field and top professionals in EY Academy of Business. Students will gain hands-on experience of working with financial issues and apply their new skills in decision-making activities within a business context, always under the guidance of EY trainers.

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The 9th edition of the programme will start in the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year, with classes beginning in October 2024. Recruitment is still open.

To apply, please, register through the Postgraduate Studies Information System (ISSP).

The system is in Polish only. If you need assistance with registration, please, contact us at:

After registering, please, print the application form, sign it and send along with the copy of your university degree to the following address:

SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Ms. Agata Augustyniak
al. Niepodległości 162
02-554 Warsaw, Poland

The following admission criteria must be met unless indicated as recommended:

  • Possess at least a bachelor’s degree from any country
  • Preferably have at least one year’s practical experience at middle management level in any area of business or government
  • Although one of the objectives is to enhance English language skills, candidates should have at least intermediate working knowledge of general English.

For degrees coming from outside EU/OECD/EFTA region, a degree recognition must be completed. In this case, a diploma and a transcript of record must be submitted. Both documents must be translated into Polish by a certified translator.

Applying for admission to non-academic post-diploma studies

Recognizing the degrees issued abroad

The conditions for completing the programme are:

  • course attendance and participation in all workshops of 20 days in total,
  • a two-hour written or oral examination in English covering all courses.


Courses take place as virtual meetings on average once every three weeks on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am to 4.30 pm CET.

9th cohort class dates:

  • 26/27 October 2024 Finance in Modern Organisations
  • 16/17 November 2024 Financial Objectives and Strategy
  • 14/15 December 2024 Investment Appraisal and Business Valuations
  • 11/12 January 2025 Financial Reporting Frameworks – IFRS/US GAAP
  • 1/2 March 2025 Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements under IFRS and US GAAP
  • 22/23 March 2025 Derivatives and Financial Risk Management
  • 12/13 April 2025 Mergers, Acquisitions and Reconstructions
  • 10/11 May 2025 Valuation and Accounting for Financial Instruments
  • 24/25 May 2025 Strategic Planning and Controlling
  • 7/8 June 2025 Further Analysis of Financial Statements
  • 28 June 2025 Final Examination

Case Studies presentations (four days) to be agreed by the groups and the trainers but on weekends between February and April 2025.

Tutor hot-line – Any time with a maximum of two days response.


The tuition fees for the 2024-2025 session are PLN 9 900 + 23% VAT = PLN 12 177 (2450 euros net + 23% VAT = 3013,50 euros). The price is net of charges or taxes. The price includes course participation, comprehensive materials designed for self-study, progress tests and case studies with full model answers and tutor hot-line to support self-study.

Payment should be made to HSBC Bank Polska in PLN, account number: 61 1280 0003 0000 0031 1251 3031. IBAN - PL40 1280 0003 0000 0031 1251 3021. Please state the name of the studies as well as the participant’s name as payment reference. Fees must be paid by 7 October 2024. Invoices will be received after payment.

Payments made accidentally to SGH bank account will be reimbursed and will need to be made to EY Academy of Business bank account.

For individuals there is a possibility of payment in two installments:

  • I installment: PLN 5250 + 23% VAT = PLN 6457,5 (or 1299 euros + 23% VAT = 1598 euros) must be paid by 7 October 2024  
  • II installment: PLN 4950 +23% VAT = PLN 6088,5 (or 1225 euros + 23% VAT =1507 euros) must be paid by 31 January 2025

No registration will be processed without advanced payment of fees as per above.

Contact details

Enquiries and registrations EY
Ms. Aleksandra Jabłczyńska
e-mail: or
phone: +48 505 171 636

Coordinator of studies
Agata Augustyniak
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
phone: +48 22 564 9501

Head of studies
prof. dr hab. Ewa Latoszek
Program Director
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Collegium of Socio-Economics
Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union
41 Wiśniowa Street
Building W, rooms 65, 66 
02-520 Warsaw

Postage address
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Al. Niepodległości 162
02-554, Warsaw Poland

Collegium of Socio-Economics
Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union 


  • Online courses
  • Courses take place as virtual meetings on average once every three weeks on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am to 4.30 pm CET.
  • Total tuition fees are PLN 12177 (3013,50 euros). Possible installments.
Ewa Latoszek kierownik zdjęcie
Head of studies

prof. dr hab. Ewa Latoszek

Enquiries and registrations EY

Agata Augustyniak
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
phone: +48 22 564 9501