Joanna Korpus, PhD

Deputy Dean
Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of the Faculty of Management at the Częstochowa University of Technology, where she earned her doctoral degree in economic science in the field of management. In her academic and research work, she focuses on strategic management, mainly growth and development strategies, sources of competitive advantage as well as mergers and acquisitions. An author of over 80 publications, principal investigator and participant of many research projects, including „Factors determining companies’ vulnerability to hostile takeovers on the Polish capital market” [Czynniki podatności spółek na wrogie przejęcia na polskim rynku kapitałowym], „New thinking in strategic management in business: A look towards the future” [Nowe myślenie w zarządzaniu strategicznym przedsiębiorstwem – spojrzenie ku przyszłości].
Joanna Korpus