ASAP – Academic Work Archiving System

The ASAP Academic Work Archiving System is a web-based application that combines a document workflow system (for end-of-term essays) with an electronic archive and an anti-plagiarism system.

The ASAP login data are the same as those for the SGH cloud. The full email address is used as the login name.

ASAP users and their roles

Students are required to add their thesis/essay and complete the metadata, i.e. study programme, type of thesis/essay, title, main language and supervisor data. Students can add another version of the same thesis/essay within the same database record only once, when the supervisor requires a correction. After adding the thesis/essay file, students must complete a mandatory field to declare that their thesis/essay is original.

Students have the option of adding a co-author to their end-of-term essay by specifying the co-author’s name and study programme. In that case, an essay added by one author will also be displayed in the co-author’s account.

In the archive, students can see their coursework that has passed the full verification cycle and has been placed in the comparison database of the anti-plagiarism system.

Lecturers act as supervisors of end-of-term essays. Once a student has submitted an essay, the lecturer may either accept it or send it back for correction. If the essay is accepted, the lecturer will send it for an anti-plagiarism check. After receiving the verification report, the lecturer fills in the report evaluation protocol, either sending the work for correction or accepting the result of the anti-plagiarism analysis.