Professor Jacek Prokop, PhD

Vice Rector for International Relations
Vice Rector for International Relations at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Department of Business Economics. A graduate of SGPiS (legal predecessor of SGH) and Virginia Tech in the USA, where he also received a doctoral degree on the basis of his dissertation entitled „A Game Theoretical Investigation of the International Debt Overhang.” In 1991–1998, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. He defended his habilitation (postdoctoral) dissertation on „Contribution to the theory of assuming control over joint-stock companies” [Przyczynek do teorii przejmowania kontroli nad spółkami akcyjnymi] at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. His research focuses on microeconomics, analysis of market structures (industrial organisation), cartels and market monopolisation, as well as mergers and acquisitions.
Jacek Prokop