The project directly relates to the EU’s priorities for 2019–2024. Our project provides a complex & intersectional framework to tackle Islamophobia in Poland.
The project aims to:
- identify, analyse, and challenge negative stereotypes against Muslims in different spheres,
- raise awareness and provide educational resources to relevant stakeholders, -monitor Islamophobia.
The project focuses on four thematic areas:
- School setting – 2 studies on Islam in school curricula + survey on teacher perception of Muslims; educational materials and activities: workshops for teachers (20), language lounges (20), international summer schools (2).
- Municipality setting – study on perception of Islam and Muslims among uniformed services, exploring Islamic Poland, workshops for municipality employees (12), social services (7), uniformed services (4) + workshops for Muslims on active citizenship (12) and safety in the city (4).
- Media & Law – study on legal cases on prosecution and court proceedings on anti-Muslim crimes; documenting Islamophobia in Polish media discourse.
- General public – online, social media & podcast campaign based on the human journalism approach + a series of culinary events (6) for direct involvement. Channels used have impact of 150K users monthly.
Project director:
Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska, Ph.D., SGH Professor
Project budget:
274 505 EUR
Financing institution:
European Commission: other
Project duration:
January 2022 - December 2023
Web of science classification category:
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods
Organizational unit (collegium/department/unit):
SGH Warsaw School of Economics » Collegia » Collegium of Socio-Economics » Institute of International Studies » Middle East and Central Asia Unit