Resumption of Study – Graduate Studies

All details concerning Resumption of Study have been presented in § 37 of Study Rules and Regulations. Before resumption of study the student has to settle possible arrears referred to program of study.

All details concerning Resumption of Study have been presented in § 37 of Study Rules and Regulations.

Those, who want to resume studies, need to submit application within the deadline given by the Dean. Applications can be send by Polish Post Office.
After receiving positive Dean’s decision, student should:

  • contact the Student Support Person,
  • recover the password to the SGH systems (VDO, USOS, mailbox),
  • declare the courses via VDO (student needs to declare and make also the courses she/he fails before removing from the list of students).

We’d like to remind that student has to realize possible differences in program after beeing resumpted.