1st International Onchain Economy Conference

Event date:
23. - 25.05.2025, All day

Emerging Decentralized Onchain Economy is one of the most profound economic revolutions of our time. It represents a fundamental shift in how we think about money, governance, and financial autonomy. The area, initially developing in line with anti-system ideas, is today being developed mainly by business and grassroots private initiatives. But despite its growing importance, crypto-economy remains an underexplored field in academic research and policy discussions. That is why we decided to organize a scientific conference dedicated to this decentralized economy. However, we want it to be not just a purely scientific conference, but a platform connecting two worlds - business and academy. On the one hand, we invite academics with their scientific papers, on the other hand, we invite businesses - to present products, projects, problems, solutions and own business experiences.  By promoting the event in the media, we plan to reach a wide range of people interested in blockchain, both at the university (scientists, students) and on the market.

The proposal submission (title, abstract, short bio) for academic and business presentations is open until February 28, 2025. Full themes scope are presented on the conference website and in the Call for Papers file. 

Coordintaror: Dr Grzegorz Sobiecki (e-mail: gsobie@sgh.waw.pl)

Steering Committee:

  • Prof. Ilan Alon (Ariel University, Israel; SGH Warsaw School of Economics) – Conference Chair
  • Prof. Christoph Lattemann (Constructor University, Germany)
  • Dr Grzegorz Sobiecki
Type of event:

SGH, al. Niepodległości 128, building C


Financial System Department (Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH)
