Chair of Treasury

The Chair of Treasury was established in 1992 at the Collegium of Socio-Economics of the Warsaw School of Economics, as a scientific and didactic unit specializing in the field of treasury and drawing on the pre-war tradition, while at the same time studying problems concerning contemporary financial systems, particularly public finance systems and their relationship with financial markets.

The founder of the Chair of Treasury and its head until 2013 was Professor Bogusław Pietrzak, PhD. Currently, the Head of the Chair is Prof. Agnieszka Alińska, PhD.

The scientific and research work of the Chair of Treasury focuses on issues related to the financial system and financial policy. In particular, in the center of interest of the Chair’s staff are the elements of the public finance system (the budget of the state and local government units, extra-budgetary funds, public debt, state aid) and the financial markets system (institutions and instruments of financial markets and the rules of their functioning).

 The teaching offer is an important pillar of the Chair of Treasury activities. The following lectures are included in the permanent lecture offer:
- Microeconomics I, II
- Macroeconomics I, II
- Finance
- Financial Crises and Stability
- Institutions of the Financial System
- Public Finance
- Financial Services
The results of the Chair’s work are reflected in researchers’ publications, statutory research, as well as in participation in and organisation of conferences.
Moreover, international cooperation along with the undergraduate, graduate and PhD seminars extend thethe didactic offer of the Chair.
