Student Research Club Negotiator

The Student Research Club Negotiator is one of the largest and longest-standing clubs at the Warsaw School of Economics. It currently brings together over 170 students and alumni who actively participate not only in events organized by other members, but also in the daily life of the organization. Over nearly 20 years of activity, it has organized many editions of projects and helped young people entering the labor market gain invaluable knowledge

Basic Information

The aim of the Negotiator Student Research Club is to educate young and ambitious individuals in improving negotiation skills, as well as gaining knowledge in the field of communication, interpersonal relationship psychology, or self-presentation. The projects offered by the club allow for comprehensive development of soft and interpersonal competencies, and gaining practical experience, for example, in recruitment and negotiation related to professional life.

Negotiator Student Research Club Projects

One of the main pillars of the club’s activity are the projects. What distinguishes the initiatives of the Negotiator Student Research Club is the fact that they are aimed at many potential stakeholders. The biggest project of the club - The Warsaw Negotiations Round is a project of international renown, in which representatives of the best legal and economic universities from around the world participate. The Student Negotiation Tournament is an initiative that allows representatives of Polish universities to compete with each other in negotiation simulations on a tournament basis. Target the Future is a two-day conference that helps students gather the most needed knowledge, especially at the beginning of the career path, and covers aspects such as correct CV construction, behavior in an interview, or self-presentation. Game of Minds is a unique initiative on the scale of Warsaw School of Economics, which combines a role-playing game set each year in a different reality with negotiation training.

Science Club Meetings

The Negotiator Student Research Club also bases its activity on educating its members and gaining knowledge in the field of negotiation, mediation, and developing soft skills. Such events as Thursday Meetings make this possible, with speakers who are experts in constant contact with the presented issues. They also have extensive professional experience, which translates into the high quality of meetings and workshops.

Integration Program

The last but not least important pillar of the organization is the integration of club members. College is a pivotal time in everyone’s life. The Negotiator Student Research Club not only cares about the development of each person’s skills, but also strongly encourages its members to make friends through frequent integration meetings and joint trips, thanks to which the club has an atmosphere of comradeship and friendliness, which makes students’ time spent at the university more enjoyable. 
