Health insurance

In order to receive health services under the National Health Fund (NFZ), students should hold their own insurance entitlement or they should be registered for insurance, e.g. by a parent or the university.

Registration by University

The university registers a student for health insurance if the student has no other entitlement to such insurance.

In order to obtain health insurance, a student must submit an application with the Educational Support Unit. A student who has been registered by the university is also obliged to inform the university whenever another entitlement to mandatory health insurance arises, for instance upon commencing a job.

Before you apply to the Educational Support Office - check whether you are entitled to insurance by virtue of other than the fact of being a student.

Health insurance for students who are Non-Polish Citizens

Students from non-EU countries can get insured in Poland by signing a voluntary health insurance contract with the relevant branch of the National Health Fund (NFZ) and they pay their own monthly health insurance premiums, unless they hold the Polish Card (Karta Polaka) or a certificate of Polish descent, in which case the university is obliged to pay their health insurance premiums.

Customer service room in Warsaw
ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warsaw, Poland

Insurance vs. receipt of a Residence Card

As of the date of receipt of the Residence Card, the Pole’s Card ceases to be valid, so also the contract concluded on its basis ceases to be valid.

Registration by a family member

Students may be registered for health insurance by a parent who holds health insurance entitlement (e.g. under an employment contract, self-employment or retirement pension). If neither of the parents is subject to mandatory health insurance in Poland or in another EU country, the student may also be registered for health insurance by a grandmother or grandfather as a family member. In each of these cases, health care services financed by the NFZ are available to students until their 26th birthday. Married students are registered for health insurance by their spouses who have their own health insurance entitlement (e.g. under an employment contract). In this case, students remain entitled to health insurance until they obtain another entitlement, for instance when they take up a job, become self-employed or register at the labour office. 

Registration by the employer and/or other institutions

Students who work under an employment contract or a contract of mandate (umowa zlecenia) are registered for health insurance by their employer.

Students who receive benefits granted, e.g., by the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), are registered for health insurance by the paying institutions.

Educational Support
building G, room 37
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: 22 564 98 64